How to Fit a Side-Power Bow Thruster in Your Boat (New Installation)

What is the Function of a Side-Power Bow Thruster for Boats?

  • The primary function of a bow thruster is to pivot the bow while the stern of the boat is stationary, which makes docking in tight slips or places with high wind speeds much easier and safer.

There are an abundant amount of reasons to install a Side-Power bow thruster in your boat:

  • Most important - Safety
    • Docking can be a dangerous operation to your health and can cause damages to docks or neighboring boats, especially in strong winds.
  • Stress Free
    • Docking with a bow thruster gives you immense confidence with control over your boat.
    • It makes even the most difficult slips to get into, a much easier task
  •  Adds value to your boat
    • If you sell your sailboat or motor vessel - the next purchaser will have a peace of mind there is already a bow thruster

Sizing a bow thruster to your boat:

Technically, there are going to be a few options for Side-Power thrusters in terms of size that will do the job in moving the bow of the boat. It's important to know a few things before deciding on one, if you would like to talk with our Side-Power bow thruster expert contact2.jpg. The two main factors decide correct thruster sizing are:

  • Boat owner's performance requirements
  • Boat size, type, and shape
  • Get started on selecting a thruster by heading to Side-Power's thruster by boat length guide.
  • Below is an example of what you would receive for thrust calculations:


Thruster Power Requirements

For most installations a DC powered thruster is used; in larger yachts an AC or Hydraulic Side-Power may be used.

What Type of Side-Power Thruster is Best Suited For My Vessel? "Standard" "IP" or "Speed Control"

  • Standard DC thrusters are the most commonly purchased versions for two main reasons: Cost efficiency and Fewer Components than a Pro (Speed Control) Series Thruster
  • The Ignition Protected thruster is the same as the Standard (SE) thruster but is equipped with a hermetically sealed cover around the motor and switch gear.
  • The Speed Control or "Pro" series thrusters is the latest in Side-Power thruster technology.
    • Accurate control of thruster by fully regulating the amount of thruster produced
    • Much Longer run time than SE series
    • Noise Reduction
    • Automatic hold function - keeps thrusters on while docking



What Other Items Do I Need to Purchase?

  1. A Bow Tunnel, this will depend on what thruster you purchase (i.e. SE80 will need a 7.3" tunnel) and what type of boat you have (GRP, steel, or aluminum). Depending where the thruster will be mounted in your boat will determine the length of the tunnel needed, a long tunnel can always be cut down in length.
    1. Most boats will use a GRP tunnel
    2. Steel boats use steel tunnels
    3. Aluminum boats use aluminum tunnels
  2. Control panels, there is a large selection of control panels you can select from to control your bow thruster.
    1. The most commonly used on bow thrusters are the single joystick control (SM8960g) and boat panel (SM8965).
    2. Use one at each station, each station will need its own cable.
    3. A remote control also makes for a fantastic option when docking.
  3. Automatic Main Switch or Other Auxiliary and Separate fuse
    1. Side-Power's Automatic main switch is an extra safety feature and has a built in fuse - reduction in components.
    2. Instead of a automatic main switch a fuse holder and an ANL fuse can be used.
  4. Control Cables 4 Wire or 5 Wire
    1. If you are using a an automatic main switch - you will need a 5 lead cable that runs from the main switch to the panel and a 4 lead cable from the thruster to the main switch.
      1. A two station thruster will have a 4 lead cable from thruster to the Main switch, a 5 lead cable to a 5 lead Y-cable which plugs into the back of the first control panel, and 1x5 lead cable to the second control panel/
    2. If you are are not using a main switch you only need a 4 lead cable from the thruster to the control panel.
      1. If you would like to add a station, you will need to add a 4 lead Y cable and another 4 lead cable.
  5. Appropriately sized battery switch (350 AMP or 600 AMP)
  6. Appropriately sized battery and battery cables