Zipwake Dynamic Trim Control System

What is the ZipWake Dynamic Trim Control System?

ZipWake is the first Economical Dynamic Interceptor Trim System for planing and semi-planing boats. The system is designed to be affordable and easy to use, compare it to systems 10x the price. With the help of a built in GPS, 3D Gyro Sensors and Robust Motion Controller ZipWake dynamically eliminates pitch and roll and minimizes wave resistance for a safer ride and better fuel economy. Below you will find videos, manuals and information on the ZipWake systems, offered by Seatech Marine Products.

What is the difference between ZipWake and Trim Tab Systems?

All planing boats present the same challenge, how to get into planing mode quickly using the minimum force while creating the least possible drag. The reason why interceptors and more efficient than Trim Tabs is because they generate the lift while reducing drag, this is achieved because the ZipWake blade is small and more efficient than a trim tab system, you only need a 30mm blade extending into the water for the same lift as a trim tab. The blade stroke also only takes 1.5 seconds while trim tabs takes about 5x as long.


How Can I Purchase ZipWake?

You can visit our ZipWake pages HERE>> (ZipWake Product Page)

What If I'm not sure what ZipWake system I Need?

Zipwake Kit size is determined by many factors including: the type of boat you have, the length, and the size of the aft of your vessel among other details. Fill out our questionnaire below and receive a determination by a Zipwake tech.

  1. Fill out the questionnaire here: Zipwake Questionnaire OR, let Imtra know the answers over email/phone.
  2. Important: Go to the Print Option, switch the Destination to "Save as PDF", save the PDF to your computer
  3. Send the PDF along with a photo of the aft of your vessel (above the waterline) to
  4. Circle back around to purchase the kit Imtra recommends

ZipWake Downloads:

How will the ZipWake Kit look like when it is setup?
